Karagoz was in Hamburg

We joined to Hamburg Kinderfest as Karagoz Group

We joined to Kinderkinderfest on Novomber 2008 in hamburg. We played Karagoz’s Leyla and Mejnun play at “Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe”. There were so many German and Turk children.

Our satege in "Spiegelsaal" (Mirror Hall) in Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe
Our satege in “Spiegelsaal” (Mirror Hall) in Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe
Children came to backstage after performance
Children came to backstage after performance

We are invited to Kinderkinderfest in 2010 again and we played Karagoz at Bürgerhaus Wilhelmsburg on 16 Novomber 2010, and at Kulturpunkt im Barmbek Basch on 17 Novomber 2010.

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Karagoz was in Hamburg
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