Bibliography of puppet theatre

Bill Baird. The art of the Puppets , New York 1966
Helen Binyon. Puppetry Today London 1966
J. Tilakasiri. The puppet theater of Asia , Colombo 1970
Yu Feng. The shadow theater and shadow puppet , Chinese Litterature 1963
Sergei Obraztsov. The Chinese Puppet Theater , London 1961
Olive Blackham. Shadow Puppets , London 1960
Rene Simmen. The World of Puppets , London 1972
Metin And. Karagöz: Geleneksel türk tiyatrosu,köylü ve Halk Tiyatrosu Gelenekleri. Istanbul 1985
Metin And. Karagöz: Turkish Shadow Theater with an Appendix on the History of Turkish Puppet Theater 3rd ed. Istanbul: Dost Publications. 1987
Philip Auslander,. Liveness. Performance in a mediatized culture, London and New York 1999
Batchelder Marjoire. The puppet theater handbook New York 1947
Hans Leo Bobber.Turkisches Schattentheater Karagöz, Frankfurt, 1983
Mita Choudhury. Interculturalism and Resistance in the London theater: 1660-1800, Identity, Performance, Empire., Bucknell University Press, London : Associated University Presses, Lewisburg, 2000
Graham Ley. From mimesis to interculturalism, Readings of Theatrical Theory Before and After “Modernism”, University of Exeter Press, Exeter, 1999
Tobias Heinzmann. Die Balkankrise in der Osmanischen Karikatur. Die Satirezeitschriften Karagöz, Kalem und Cem 1908-1914, Istanbul -Stuttgart, Steiner.1999.III 1999
Nick Kaye. Postmodernism and performance, Pal grave Macmillan Hardcover – 1 April, 1994
Julie Hollege and Joanne Tompkins. Women’s Intercultural Performance Routledge, June, 2000
Donald Keene. Bunraku:The art of the Japanese puppet theater Tokyo 1965
Cevret Kudret. Karagöz , cilt 1,2,3, 1968 Turkey
Monika Kühn L. Auer. Karagöz und Rumpelstilzchen. Türkisches und deutsches Schattentheater, Donauw. (1992)
Patrice Pavis. The Intercultural Performance Reader.1st ed. London and New-York: Routledge.1996
Patrice Pavis. Interculturalism in Contemporary Mise en Scene. The Image of India in the Mahabharata and the Indiade”, in Fischer-Lichte et al., 1990

Helmutt Ritter. Türkische Schattenspiele, 1,2,3 1924,1941,1953 Germany
Sabri Esat Siyavuşgil. Karagöz, son histoire, ses personages, son esprit mystique. Istanbul 1951
Theodor Menzel. Meddah, schattentheater und orta ojnu, Prag 1941
Andreas Tietze. The Turkish Shadow Theater , Berlin 1977
Yu Feng. The shadow theater and shadow puppets , Peking 1963
Roswitha Wuensche-Heiden. Das Bein des Karagöz , Weinheim, Bergstasse 1994
Ignaz Kunos Haram Karagöz-jatek, Budapeşte, 1886
Nicholas N. Martinovich The Turkish Theatre, Theatre Arts Ine, New York, 1933

Heaven Gate Made by Emin Senyer
Heaven Gate Made by Emin Senyer
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Bibliography of puppet theatre
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